Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mary Angelie~ an Answer to prayer!

This beautiful woman came in to the clinic very calm, relaxed with irregular contractions. It was tricky trying to guess how far along she was. But when i did an IE she was 7 cm, +1 station, 80% effaced. She labored well and an hour later had SROM. 15 mins later she asked to push and then 9 minutes after that, little Mary Angelie was born!

This is her first baby so only pushing for 9 mins is pretty fantastic!

The first part of the story..... I found out later on that Mary Joy and Orlando have been married for four years and have been praying for a child all this time. They were not able to get pregnant for the longest time, so when they found out the good news they were overjoyed and a bit worried. The looks on their faces when they saw their little girl was so tender.... so loving! She is their little angel! Their answer to prayer!

She got her first bath from her father, Orlando!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Myca Faulin Baby # 24

Jenevive is my continuity. She texted me early one morning but I didn't get it until someone at the clinic texted me saying she was there. When I arrived she was 7 cm with strong contractions. About 15 minutes later, her water broke and immediately she wanted to push. She only pushed for 7 minutes when little Myca Faulin was born! Her husband really caught my attention. He cared for her so lovingly while doing so on crutches. He has a lame leg.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Kurt Leogene baby # 23

Leonora was well on her way to having little Kurt by the time I came on shift. This is her fourth child and she was well versed in all the good exercises to help the baby move down. When little Kurt was born there was a tight cord coil but he doesn't seem any worse for the wear.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby # 22 Dhionne Kate

This is my continuity. She started texting me about 1am while I was working night shift. She was showing signs of early labor and I told her to stay at home until she was further along but she came anyway. It was a stormy night and she came in dripping wet and still in early labor. But she was far enough along, so I let her stay. It was going to be a long day is all I could think. We both needed sleep but she said she couldn't sleep... so I wasn't going to get any either! :- )

She labored fairly well but because she refused to rest the night before, was exhausted when it came time to push. I had to insert an IV. She tried to push too soon as well which made her cervix swell. She breathed through contractions but ultimately my supervisor chose to push her anterior lip back. Little Dhionne Kate was born 40 minutes later. All in all, she was at the clinic for over 12 hours. But looking back on it, i'm glad that i got to walk through it with her.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Baby #21 Cristine Jean

Shirley was a girl I did several prenatals on over the last few months. She is adorable and I always liked her a lot, but I didn't take her as a continuity.

But one night as I was working night shift in she walks. But she was in early labor and a different midwife was up first. She was sent home only to return several hours later ready to push. It was quite the birth. She was pushing the same time as another labor. They were born less than 10 minutes apart, and that was only because i asked her to wait until my supervisor could be there. She tried to wait... she really did, but I ended up being the only one in her room other than her husband. My supervisor wasn't far away though...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gian Carl... once again!

15 minutes before shift change, one of my classmates came to get me at the house saying that there was a woman pushing. I was first up so i got my stuff and went over quick. I arrive in just enough time to don gloves and two pushes later the baby was born. There was a bit of mass confusion with all the midwives in the room but the dust settled some and all was quiet.

When I asked her his name she smiled and said 'Gian Carl'. This is the second baby this month to be named Gian Carl! I asked my supervisors where this name is from and they told me that it's the name of a handsome Filipino TV star. The best part is. I looked in the birth book and there have been 5 Gian Carls born this year!

Monday, March 3, 2008

My name sake

This lovely girl was endorsed to me already very active. She was 8 cm dilated and was already ready to push. She was quiet about it and by the time she actually started, it was only 20 minutes later that her baby was born. She came out crying and didn't stop except to eat and to sleep.

She named her Stephanie after me. My first name sake. :- )