We do weekly outreaches to a community called Malone. It’s a chance to offer simple medicines and care to a people even more remote than Tonj. It’s from this community that the twins are from. A week or so back, the twins came in for a review. They are about 4 months old now and going strong.
You can donate online at www.ssmfi.org. Just go to the 'donate' page then search for my name in the drop box.
or send a check to: Shepherd’s Staff PO Box 53640 Albuquerque, NM 87153-3640 Make sure and write #6201 on memo line
All donations are tax deductible.
Mailing Address:
c/o Missao Crista de Maforga C.P 3 Gondola, Manica Province Mozambique
Please do not send packages as they are not assured to arrive and I may have to pay considerable duty fees. However, feel free to send letters, postcards, and the like. Thanks.
Newsletter Sign-up Form
Prayer Requests:
For the clinic to open before the end of the year.
The right staff to come work alongside me as I open the clinic.
Paperwork for my work visa to come together quickly.
Ease of learning two new languages -Chetewe and Portuguese.
Cultural sensitivity and easy adjustment to Mozambique's new cultural challenges.
God to help me build relationships with the staff and be a blessing to them.
Funds for the new clinic to come in in His timing (salaries, emergency fund, etc.).
Wisdom in treating these women and their families. Supernatural wisdom.
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