I have been having a difficult time finding someone to translate for me. The girl who agreed to do it, flaked after the second week. The days, I’ve gone out ‘all hell breaks out’ in the clinic leaving me frazzled and distracted. Some days I feel guilty for leaving the clinic at all.... yada-yada, etc.
Point is. The enemy doesn’t seem to like me doing this outreach much. Hum... I wonder why?
Well yesterday, I got slammed in a few directions before I was able to even step out the gate. As a result I got a VERY late start. It was almost 11 am before I headed out. But since I wasn’t able to get out last week (lack of translator), I decided to go do the ‘rounds’ again of the area and remind people the teaching was today.
Several said they’d come. But when we got to the designated spot (aka: mango tree), no one had come. So we waited. I asked my translator what he thought of it all. Was it too late in the day? Would they be taking care of their families? Cooking meals? Planting peanuts?
He told me earlier was better but assured me several women seemed interested. So we waited some more. A full hour later, a handful arrived. And when they sat down, even more arrived. By the end, about 40 people had come and gone.
I taught on what to do if there is a problem in labor, how to identify problems and what can happen if not caught in time. Some of the women listened better than others. Some people came because they thought I was giving free stuff. Men came and listened. Children played nearby. It was a bit chaotic... but fun.
I was encouraged. Many sounded interested in coming again next month. I will be going each week to a different part of town. Please pray for a permanent translator who has a heart for evangelism and a gift of languages. Pray God protects tuesdays from distraction and discouragement and I’m able to build solid, trusting relationships with the women in town.
I will pray for the translator that you need. These outreaches are a wondeful thing. We will pray for protection for you and the team. By the blood of the Lamb and the power of our testimony we are overcomers.
Steph I am SO excited for you! SO excited. This is the work I long to do. You ROCK. Moampo kaayo!