My Church

When I got saved at the age of 18 at a mass crusade in Portland, Oregon, I didn’t know where to go to church. All I knew was that God was real for I had finally met him for myself!

Living in Southern California at the time, I immediately got connected to the Calvary Chapel churches and started attending, Maranatha Chapel.

I was instantly amazed at their dedication to teaching the word of God -- from Genesis to Revelation -- and grew in my understanding of scripture.

At the age of 21, God made it clear to me that I should dig deeper in His word and I started taking Bible College classes online through Calvary Chapel Bible College. During that time, my faith became my own.

In the many places I have lived and worked since, I’ve attended some great churches. However, my home church, Calvary Chapel Mesquite, Nevada, is my favorite.

They first sent me to the Philippines to attend Newlife International School of Midwifery and work in a charity-based clinic called Mercy Maternity Clinic.

They prayed me through the long hours, tough births, and constant cultural fatigue; and when I was finally finished, they sent me to South Sudan to work alongside In Deed and Truth Ministries.

However, my season in S. Sudan has come to an end. Now it would appear God is moving me to Mozambique to re-open a small hospital. In time, I hope to open a birthing clinic and midwifery school as well. 

I love my church so much. Honestly, I do not think I would be doing all that I’m doing now without their constant love, encouragement and support!

If you are ever lost half way between San Diego and Salt Lake City, an hour north of Vegas on I-15, stop in and say hi to all my friends at Calvary Chapel Mesquite!

Make sure you give them my love!