Thursday, June 16, 2011

Electric Darkness.

The dark rumbling started low, but screamed to a crescendo by the time it hit. Glowering clouds, pregnant with malice converged in a desperate clap of thunder, followed by a deluge of rain.

ping-ping-ping-pingpingpingpingpingping. The rain beat relentlessly on my roof.

Screaming in sideways, the wind knocked over metal drums and rolled them about with evident distain. Trees danced in dismay. Animals fled. I hid.

Craaackkk! The lightening struck out high above, weighing the air down with dread.

The storm chased what was left of the day away, leaving muddy drowned darkness in its place. Dancing with rage at each clap of thunder, it wailed on and on.

It was awesome to behold. Absolutely marvelous.

The pounding on my tin roof made thinking difficult. Mesmerized by its fury, I stood in my doorway and watched.

Soggy, raging darkness punctuated by brief flashes of lightening, it was hard not to be impressed. Plus, there was no time between the roar of thunder and the bolts of power that lashed out above. 

The storm was upon us.

Then suddenly as I watched from my doorway, one of those bolts struck land. KA-BOOM!! Even though it hit at quite a distance, I could see the individual sparks flicker and fly, then fade.

Within milli-seconds the blast of energy raced toward me like a wave and jolted my body. What a rush! The same wave that hit me, fried everything electric in sight. The lights blew with a snap.


All I could think at the time was, “Did I just get electrified?” Still bristling with electric juices, I stood there more in shock than actually shocked. “I did. I was after-shocked by lightening.”

I’ve heard of lightening striking a person. But this? It was wild! How many other people were slammed by this wave of energy?

Anyway. The storm raged on through the night, and I eventually fell asleep. When I woke, the land was battered and bruised; but it would recover. So would I.

Sadly, our electricity has not faired so well; we have been limping along ever since. Most days we run out of electricity shortly after dinner, and have spent our nights in various shades of night.

It’s not so bad really. It could be worse.

The hardest part so far has been not having the internet. It’s hard not keeping in touch with friends and family. Worse still, I’m not able to complete my college classes online. I hope my teachers give me some leniency when they find out the extenuating circumstances. Imagine the email I’ll have to write for that one. It makes ‘my dog ate my homework’ sound good.

“Oh. Sorry I couldn’t take my test this week, Professor. Lightening hit our town and knocked out all forms of communication for over a week.” Do you think they’ll believe me?

No (or honestly, very little) electricity makes me feel like a real missionary! Ha!


  1. I am so glad to know you are OK. I had heard news of Southern Sudan this morning on the radio and was wondering if your silence was because of the situation there. Never thought it would be due to the weather.
    At any rate, I am a new follower to your blog and will be praying for you and your continued safety.
    I am a nurse and lactation consultant. I don't do labor, I do take care of moms and babies after delivery. Reading your blog makes me ponder labor / midwifery....
    At any rate, I would love to be in touch with you via email. Will be glad to join in prayer with you for your community.
    Sara Munday

  2. We will get your electricity sorted out soon enough... even if I have to go fix it myself ;)

