Saturday, January 7, 2012

200 Reasons Why.


I'm one of those midwives that keeps statistics. I write birth stories. I keep logs.

I do it so I can remember. I do it so I can learn. But mostly I do it because it's fun.

Today as I was writing down the ridiculously short birth story from this morning, I realized I'd passed a milestone.

Yep, today I caught my 200th Sudanese baby!

It was a brilliant birth. The mother went into labor at 5 am, arrived at the clinic shortly before 7 am, and delivered at precisely 7:02 am. 

I am glad she made it in time!

Side Note:
It's my 200th catch in Sudan, my 315th catch in total, and the 488th birth I've attended. But who's counting? :- )


  1. Does that mean you are seasoned as a midwife yet?

  2. Blessings, upon blessings, upon blessings!!!!

  3. We're counting with you! So proud. And if you ever come back to the United States, consider moving to L.A. so you can catch any future babies I might have. :)
