Monday, September 20, 2010

September Newsletter ~ Midwifery Times

I hope you enjoy this newsletter. It was a growing experience for me. I'd love to hear what you think. Feedback is the best.

Thanks again for everything!

P.s. I'm looking for a better name for my newsletter. I want it to scream midwife/babies/missions/more. Any ideas? Best idea gets a prize. :- )

Midwifery Times September 2010


  1. Labor of Love-Delivering the love of Jesus one baby at a time.-A name for your newsletter

    Just love your blog Stephanie. God is doing wonderful things through you in this place. We pray for you and know that he answers our prayers. Love the birthday song by the way.

    Bless you

  2. What a great name! Okay, no one still that name! I'm serious, this ones a keeper. :- ) I may have to track you down Nicole to get you your prize. :- )

  3. My prize is in heavenly places. But thankyou anyway. You can check out our blog at


  4. Jen and I sure enjoy your blog Steph, and the included pictures are always fun.
    Thanks for all you do.
    This may not be prize-worthy but I thought I'd share anyway;
    Babysteps; My daily walk with Jesus

  5. Kurt! It's a good name. :- ) Worthy of a prize but i'm excited about the other name... hope you don't mind. I could put it to a vote. :- ) Let the readers decide... he he he. Should I?

  6. I love "Labor of Love." If she doesn't want her prize, I'll take it! haha ;o)
