Thursday, July 15, 2010

A new Brother!

This morning it was my turn to teach devotions. I had been struggling with God over which passage to teach on. I had felt strongly he was asking me to teach on the Ten Commandments and how we are not able to work our way into heaven. But this was somewhat debated earlier among some of the volunteers and I wasn’t sure if it’d cause waves.

But no matter how much I hesitated and argued with Him, He kept pointing me to Deuteronomy 5. So with a knot in my stomach I prepared. And with dread I began to teach. I couldn’t figure out why I was struggling with it so much.

I was a bit unorganized and went off on tangents but eventually said my peace. Afterward, Sabet gave an alter call and one of the translator/health workers raised his hand. Then I understood why all the internal struggle – it was spiritual warfare.

So rejoice with us as we welcome this new Brother into the family